Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) attended the expert lecture activity held by Corporate Social Initiative in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), with themed "PKPA Induction in the Distribution Sector" on Thursday, November 26, 2020.
This activity, which was intended for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy ITB, aimed to broaden the students' insight through presenting topics delivered directly by the experts.
AAM's Quality Assurance Manager, Mrs Sulviria, was present as a speaker presenting a Good Drug Distribution Method (CDOB) topic, referring to BPOM Regulation No. 6 of 2020.
Participants were enthusiastic about listening to Ibu Sulviria's presentation and raised many questions in the Q&A session. Mrs Sulviria hopes this expert lecture activity can give insights and a clearer view of distributing drugs properly to pharmacy students.