To strengthen the competencies and knowledge of Indonesian human resources in the healthcare sector, particularly in distribution, PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) collaborated with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), to hold an Expert Lecture on supply chain management for healthcare products.
AAM invited one of its distribution experts, Mrs. Sylvi Sundari, the Central Distribution & Planning Manager, to deliver a presentation titled "Leading the Future of Supply Chain Excellence in Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health, and Medical Devices" at the APSLC Auditorium, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, on Monday, August 12, 2024.

This event aimed to provide insights to 178 undergraduate pharmacy students and pharmacist interns about the pharmaceutical, medical device, and consumer health product distribution processes and their challenges in Indonesia, as well as the roles of pharmacy graduates and pharmacists in the distribution process.
The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Dr. apt. Satibi, M.Si.; the Head of the Pharmacy Program, apt. Anna Wahyuni Widayanti, MPH, Ph.D.; the Ethical Sales Supervisor of AAM, Mr. Gilang Aditya Rangga Dio; and the HR team of PT Medela Potentia.
In his opening remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at UGM, Prof. Dr. Satibi, S.Si., M.Si. Apt., stated that the topics presented align with the government's mission to maintain the supply chain in the healthcare sector, ensuring quality and equitable distribution across Indonesia.
He further emphasized the importance of continuing and enhancing the collaboration between AAM and UGM.
“AAM has greatly contributed to UGM’s educational development by providing awards for the top Pharmacy graduates. We hope this partnership will continue and that this event can be held regularly for Pharmacy Professional students,” explained Prof. Dr. Satibi.
Mrs. Sylvi Sundari emphasized the strategic role of pharmacists in ensuring the quality, efficacy, and safety of medicines throughout the distribution process. “As healthcare professionals with in-depth knowledge of medications, pharmacists ensure that every stage in the distribution chain is conducted correctly and in accordance with established standards,” she said.
She further explained that Indonesia’s geography adds complexity to the distribution process, requiring efficient and multimodal distribution management. “Indonesia is an archipelagic country with limited access to remote areas, which makes distribution time consuming,” she added.
To achieve equitable distribution, AAM continues to expand its reach by opening two new branches in 2024, AAM Pangkal Pinang and AAM Palu, bringing the total to 38 branches and 9 representative offices.
AAM also adheres to international distribution standards in its operations, such as the WHO’s Good Storage and Distribution Practices, the Halal Assurance System from LPPOM MUI, Good Distribution Practices for Drugs (CDOB), and Good Distribution Practices for Medical Devices (CDAKB).
Mr. Gilang Aditya Rangga Dio expressed his hope that the event would contribute to enhancing the students’ knowledge and understanding of best practices in supply chain management in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in distribution. “We also hope this event will further strengthen the good relationship that has been established between academia and the industry,” he explained.