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AAM Presents PRECISION1, Advanced Contact Lenses to Prevent Eye Soreness

Contact lenses have become one of the alternatives for users in need of vision correction. Additionally, the selection of contact lenses can provide comfort to users, such as being lighter and offering a wider field of vision. However, improper selection of contact lenses can lead to eye irritation and even infection.

Addressing this issue, Alcon, a global eye care company with over 7 decades of experience, has launched the PRECISION1 contact lenses.

PRECISION1 is a daily contact lens with state-of-the-art technology called SMARTSURFACETM, where its surface contains 80 percent water. PRECISION1 also comes with additional protection from Class 1 UV rays, making PRECISION1 easy to wear, easy to LOVE!

Mrs. Patcharin Chamnoot, Cluster Franchise Head-Vision Care Alcon, stated that based on surveys, contact lens wearers prefer PRECISION1 lenses five times more than other contact lenses.

"PRECISION1 offers easy-to-wear contact lenses with up to 16 hours of comfort. Surveys show that 8 out of 10 PRECISION1 contact lens users agree that their vision remains clear and accurate throughout the day, even after wearing them for 16 hours," said Mrs. Patricia Chamnoot.

Mr. Sanaullah Soomro, Commercial Manager of Alcon, added, "PRECISION1 is a solution for anyone who spends prolonged periods in front of a smartphone screen, laptop/PC, tablet, and other digital devices. It's a comfortable contact lens solution thanks to SMARTSURFACETM technology."

PRECISION1 is distributed and marketed by PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) across Indonesia. Product awareness and education related to PRECISION1 and eye health will be conducted from Tuesday, April 23, 2024, to April 28, 2024, at the Lower Ground, West Mall, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta.

As part of this event, Alcon through AAM will provide free trial packs of PRECISION1 contact lenses to enthusiastic visitors. Visitors can also undergo free eye health examinations and consultations provided by Optometrists from Optik Seis at the Alcon booth.

CEO of AAM, Mrs. Juliwaty stated that the collaboration with Alcon is AAM's commitment to improving the quality of vision for the Indonesian population and ensuring access to quality eye health products.

"AAM is committed to providing quality eye health products to the people across Indonesia by ensuring Alcon products are available through all AAM's channels and partners," said Mrs. Juliwaty.

Commercial Director of AAM Mr. Harris Lesmana,  stated that the launch of the PRECISION1 product demonstrates AAM and Alcon's commitment to continuously provide high-quality contact lens products with the latest technology and comfort for the Indonesian people.

"With the launch of PRECISION1, we believe we can provide a solution to the increasing demand and needs of the market for high-quality and comfortable contact lens products," added Mr. Harris.

AAM is a subsidiary of Medela Potentia, a healthcare conglomerate with over 4 decades of experience in healthcare product distribution, medical device manufacturing, and digital healthcare services provision within the healthcare ecosystem.

"With the competitive advantage of the Medela Potentia, the launch of the PRECISION1 product underscores the end-to-end competency capabilities we possess. We are confident that the strategic alliance between AAM and Alcon can contribute to improving access to quality healthcare products for the public," stated CEO of  Medela Potentia Mr Krestijanto Pandji.

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