Dynamic Argon Cambodia hosted a Customer Gathering at Tonle Bassac 2 Restaurant in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on February 21, 2020. Thirty-five people from the pharmaceutical sector attended this seminar; most were pharmacists.
The event started at 9 A.M. Cambodian times opened with a welcome speech by General Manager Dynamic Argon Cambodia, Bapak Hendarto.
During his welcome speech, Bapak Hendarto said his gratitude to the customers who came. As Bapak Hendarto noted, the purpose of this gathering is to strengthen the bond between DAC and the principals.
“Through this customer gathering, we hoped that the bond between Dynamic Argon and customers is strengthened. We get to understand the needs of the people and cooperation that is best for both parties,” said Bapak Hendarto.
This customer gathering event is packed with exciting features, especially the Knowledge Sharing session by Dr. Yang Daravuth, Vice Director, Department of Food and Medicine, and Ministry of Health Cambodia with Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP).
In this opportunity, Dr. Yang Daravuth expressed the importance of GPP as a standard to make sure that Pharmacists gave quality assistance to the people. Pharmaceutical services have a crucial involvement in creating a better standard of living for their patients, said Dr. Yang Daravuth during the session.
Pharmacists have the role of implementing GPP to provide medication and help people receive the best medical attention. Through this, it is hoped that public health can be fixed by optimizing the therapeutical effect of the medicine. Also, to avoid unwanted side effects. Because of that, the role of Pharmacists is to recommend the quality and safe medicine to consume, according to Dr. Yang Daravuth.
In his presentation, product Manager Dexa Medica Cambodia, Mr. Seng Kakada, Ph. showed that modern cough medicine HerbaKOF from PT Dexa Medica is a featured product in Cambodia. HerbaKOF is a modern herbal medicine made from Legundi leaf extract, Ginger rhizome, Saga leaf, and Mahkota Dewa fruit – processed through technology modern ‘Advanced Fractionation Technology (AFT),’ that creates an active Reconyl substance.
“Advanced Fractionation Technology (AFT) is a modern innovation that we developed to find the best fractions on herbal plants that are effective to overcome certain diseases. HerbaKOF is one of Indonesia Indigenous Modern Medicines.” said Mr. Seng Kakada, Ph.
The customer gathering event is closed with a photo session and a lunch.