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Empowering Fostered Integrated Healthcare Center, Argon Peduli Supports Stunting Intervention in Cikarang

Argon Peduli organized a health examination program for pregnant women and toddlers on Monday, July 17, 2023, at Alkasia IV Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu), Pasir Sari Village, Cikarang. Alkasia IV is a fostered Posyandu by Argon Peduli, with a collaboration that started in December 2022.

Dozens of pregnant women in attendance received a briefing on pregnancy and maternal and child health. Meanwhile, the toddlers received supplementary food and health examinations such as height measurement, weight measurement, head circumference measurement, and immunizations. These examinations are conducted monthly to ensure the health of the toddlers and pregnant women.

Argon Peduli also provided additional supplements to maintain immune system strength, such as Stimuno Forte, Stimuno Kids, Oxyvit, and Lytacur for children, pregnant women, and other community members. This health examination program for pregnant women and toddlers is one of Medela Potentia's commitments to support the stunting intervention in Indonesia.

The Indonesian government aims to reduce the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia to 14 percent by 2024. However, according to the Indonesian Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI) in 2022, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is still at 21.6 percent.

Nancy Kartika, HR Director of Medela Potentia, expressed the company's commitment to addressing stunting in Indonesia. With over 42 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Medela Potentia recognizes the importance of cross-sector collaboration to strengthen efforts in reducing stunting for the future of the Indonesian nation.

"Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. By supporting the government's efforts in reducing stunting, we ensure that no child is left behind and they have the opportunity to grow and develop well. Addressing stunting requires a cross-sector approach," said Nancy.

Meanwhile, empowering fostered Posyandu aligns with the primary healthcare transformation program initiated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. This activity demonstrates the company's commitment and evidence of its concern for improving national health resilience.

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