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Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Inaugurates PT Deca Metric Medica

To promote the independence of the national pharmaceutical and medical device industry, Medela Potentia has established its first medical device manufacturing facility through PT Deca Metric Medica. With the inauguration of this industrial facility, Indonesia is now capable of producing wound dressing medical devices, ranking fifth in the most transacted healthcare products according to the e-Catalog of National Public Procurement Agency.


The medical device manufacturing facility of PT Deca Metric Medica was inaugurated by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin. The event was attended by leaders from Dexa Group, including Ferry A. Soetikno, CEO of PT Medela Potentia, Krestijanto Pandji. Also present were Rizka Andalucia, the Director General of Pharmacy and Medical Devices Indonesian Ministry of Health, along with other directors and commissioners of the company. The ceremony took place on Thursday, December 21, 2023, in the Jababeka Industrial Area, Cikarang, West Java.


The Minister of Health expressed his appreciation for the inauguration of PT Deca Metric Medica's medical device production facility, emphasizing its role in supporting national health resilience. According to the Minister, among the ten most used medical devices in Indonesia, wound dressings are crucial, and he commended PT Deca Metric Medica for producing them. He mentioned that the sales volume of wound dressings in Indonesia could reach Rp300 billion per year, and these products are continuously used in healthcare facilities.


"I am sure that wound dressings are used worldwide, and we can open them to UNICEF," said the Minister. He supported the domestic production of medical devices not only to meet national needs but also to be exported internationally. The government aims to facilitate domestic production to be absorbed in the global market, enhancing the country's preparedness for potential future pandemics,” said the Minister.


Ferry Soetikno, highlighted the construction of PT Deca Metric Medica's medical device manufacturing facility as a concrete step to support the government's vision of achieving national health independence. The commitment is to contribute maximally to the provision of quality healthcare products for the public.


PT Deca Metric Medica's medical device manufacturing facility, initiated in 2020 and commencing production in January 2023, has received the Good Manufacturing Practices for Medical Devices (CPAKB) certification from the Ministry of Health. Its products are also listed in the sectoral e-Catalog of the Ministry of Health. Focusing on producing wound dressings, PT Deca Metric Medica aims to reduce the importation of healthcare products in Indonesia.


According to the performance report for the first semester of 2023 from the Directorate General of Pharmacy and Medical Devices at the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the national transactions of healthcare products through the e-Catalog in 2019-2020 were still dominated by imports, reaching 88 percent. In 2020, Indonesia's healthcare product market was valued at Rp 49.7 trillion, equivalent to 0.7 percent of the global healthcare product market. However, the country's trade balance for healthcare products experienced a deficit of Rp 23.8 trillion, with exports valued at Rp 16.3 trillion and imports at Rp 40.1 trillion.


The construction of PT Deca Metric Medica's medical device manufacturing facility is considered a tangible support to the government's vision of achieving national health independence. The commitment is to contribute maximally to the provision of quality healthcare products for the public. The facility, spanning 6,000 square meters of land and a building area of 4,800 square meters, is expected to reduce Indonesia's dependence on imported healthcare products.

Deca Metric Medica's product range includes Stardec DecaFix, which serves as additional fixation after primary wound closure, fixation of wide wounds in joint areas, and tubing fixation. They also produce Stardec DecaMed, a wound dressing product equipped with an absorbent pad and postoperative wound cover. Another product, Stardec DecaPore, is a Paper Tape with Dispenser used for lightweight tubing fixation and as a wound dressing plaster. Their production includes Stardec DecaCare, an antiseptic surgical scrub product.


Moreover, PT Deca Metric Medica manufactures wound protection plasters with latex-free materials suitable for sensitive skin. They offer plasters for children, such as Stardec DecaPlast Character Zoo Party, and waterproof plasters, such as Stardec DecaPlast Waterproof.


In addition to serving the local market, Krestijanto said that PT Deca Metric Medica provides toll manufacturing services to national and international partners. Their modern technology and machinery enable efficient production of high-quality products. The facility operates seven types of production machines equipped with state-of-the-art technology.


The inauguration of PT Deca Metric Medica's medical device manufacturing facility reflects Medela Potentia's commitment to supporting the government's efforts to achieve national health independence. The company aims to make a significant contribution to providing high-quality healthcare products for the Indonesian population.

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