Commemorating Kartini Day, Medela Potentia celebrated it by holding a Kartini Day edition Tea Time on Friday, April 26, 2024, in the Adrian Behring room, Titan Center, attended by several directors, management, and employees from the Head Office.
All employees enthusiastically wore traditional Indonesian attire such as kebaya and batik, making the event even more festive. Additionally, there were special performances by the Argon Kartini's vocal group, Kartini Kartono Fashion Show featuring 7 participants from various PTs and Departments within the Medela Potentia, Kartini-themed Poetry Contest, and the presentation of DistribuShe appreciation.
"Thank you to all the female employees in our company, because everyone here has a role, contribution, and responsibility, and has contributed to improving health," said Nancy Kartika, Human Resources Director of Medela Potentia.
Furthermore, the celebration of Kartini Day marks the pinnacle of DistribuShe appreciation, an acknowledgment for resilient female employees in the Medela Potentia who have shown dedication and commitment in every line of the company's business.

Through this DistribuShe appreciation, Medela Potentia has demonstrated its commitment to running an inclusive company operation and valuing the abilities and competencies of all employees in line with Sustainable Development Goal number 5, gender equality.
"All women can excel wherever they are according to their abilities. Here, everyone is valued based on their competencies," added Juliwaty, CEO of AAM.
The roles of the six DistribuShe inspiration figures can be explored together on the Instagram accounts @anugrahargonmedica, @Djembatandua, and @Lifeatargon.ak bersama di akun Instagram @anugrahargonmedica, @Djembatandua dan @Lifeatargon.