On 7 November 2020, PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM), as one of the pharmaceutical distribution companies that have received 2010 WHO GSDP certificate, was invited by the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) as a guest speaker in the Virtual National Work Meeting (Rakernas) and Annual Scientific Week ( PIT) by Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI) 2020.
This event took place from 1 - 7 November 2020 with the theme "Achieving Health for All: Pharmacy Optimizing Healthcare Through Digital Technology".
On this occasion, AAM was represented by the Quality Assurance Manager, Ms. Apt. Sulviria S.Farm. The annual event was attended by pharmacists from all over Indonesia coming from various types of business and pharmaceutical services. In particular, this activity aimed to improve the competence of pharmacists in carrying out professional pharmaceutical practices.
Ms. Apt. Sulviria S.Farm (AAM) presented a topic on “Distribution Practice, Assessment, and Certification: Good Distribution Certification, " one of AAM's strengths in distributing pharmaceutical products, medical products, and medical device products to all regions in Indonesia.
Participants who took part in this session were enthusiastic and actively raised some questions to the speakers, including on how big is the chance that the National PBF with CDOB certification can get 2010 WHO GSDP certification and on how can distributors prevent product shortages in factory intact boxes packaging to maintain quality products in the distribution chain.
At the end of the session, Ms. Sulviria encouraged pharmacists to improve their competence and always comply with existing national and international regulatory standards. This message is a part of an effort to guarantee and maintain product quality to provide added value to their businesses in the future.